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Ruscus Italian


Ruscus Israeli


Simply Ruscus Garland


Ruscus Italian


A symbol of enduring beauty, Ruscus Italian features delicate, waxy leaves. Its graceful appearance and subtle charm make it an ideal choice for adding a sense of refinement to arrangements.

Ruscus Israeli


  Versatile and timeless, Israeli Ruscus provides a lush, green backdrop for any arrangement. Its elongated leaves create a sense of abundance and vitality.

Simply Ruscus Garland


Crispy lush green Ruscus leaves are intricately woven into a chic garland.

Discover the beauty of our Ruscus collection! A variety of greenery originating from eastern Europe, Ruscus boast slender stems adorned with petite leaves, adding a touch of elegance to any floral arrangement. Their elongated stems serve to emphasize the focal point of the arrangement, while their dainty leaves allow the primary flowers to shine, framing your composition with elegance. The result is a graceful infusion of greenery that harmonizes flawlessly with any colour or shape of flower. Sourced directly from trusted growers, our Ruscus greenery guarantees unrivalled freshness, ensuring you receive the freshest products through Bunches Direct Canada-wide expedited shipping.