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Garden Rose Peach


Garden Rose Blush Pink


Garden Rose Ivory


Garden Rose White


Garden Rose Hot Pink


Garden Rose Purple


Garden Rose Yellow


Garden Rose Red


Garden Rose Peach


Celebrate the timeless beauty of peach Garden Roses, with their abundant lush petals and romantic scent, adding elegance and grace to floral compositions.

Garden Rose Blush Pink


Celebrate the timeless beauty of blush pink Garden Roses, with their abundant lush petals and romantic scent, adding elegance and grace to floral compositions.

Garden Rose Ivory


Celebrate the timeless beauty of ivory Garden Roses, with their abundant lush petals and romantic scent, adding elegance and grace to floral compositions.

Garden Rose White


Celebrate the timeless beauty of white Garden Roses, with their abundant lush petals and romantic scent, adding elegance and grace to floral compositions.

Garden Rose Hot Pink


Celebrate the timeless beauty of hot pink Garden Roses, with their abundant lush petals and romantic scent, adding elegance and grace to floral compositions.

Garden Rose Purple


Celebrate the timeless beauty of purple Garden Roses, with their abundant lush petals and romantic scent, adding elegance and grace to floral compositions.

Garden Rose Yellow


Celebrate the timeless beauty of yellow Garden Roses, with their abundant lush petals and romantic scent, adding elegance and grace to floral compositions.

Garden Rose Red


Celebrate the timeless beauty of red Garden Roses, with their abundant lush petals and romantic scent, adding elegance and grace to floral compositions.

Indulge in the beauty of our bulk garden roses collection! Garden roses are celebrated for their opulent blooms, delightful fragrance, and symbolic meanings of love, appreciation, and joy. Originating from diverse regions across the globe, these roses bring a touch of elegance and romance to any setting, making them ideal for weddings, celebrations, or meaningful gifts. With a wide range of colours to choose from, you can curate stunning floral arrangements that reflect your personal style. Our bulk garden roses are sourced directly from reputable growers, guaranteeing freshness and excellence for your floral creations.