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Filter By Flower Fragility


Birds of Paradise


Burnt Orange and Yellow Rose Boutonniere


Calla lily Mini Orange


Carnation Mini Orange


Carnation Orange


Dahlia Orange


Freesia Orange


Fresh Orange Rose Petals


Gerbera Orange


Gerbera Orange Mini


Gladiolus Orange


Lily Asiatic Orange


Ranunculus Orange


Rose Orange


Rose Sunset


Snapdragons Orange


Spray Roses Orange


Touches of Fall Bridal Bouquet


Tulip Orange


Vibrant Cake Topper


Birds of Paradise


Unleash the exotic beauty of Bird of Paradise, reminiscent of tropical avian blooms, radiating vibrancy and allure to elevate floral arrangements.  

Burnt Orange and Yellow Rose Boutonniere


A male boutonniere with a large rose in yellow and burnt orange tips, and a touch of greenery, accompanied with a pearl pin. 

Calla lily Mini Orange


Experience the timeless elegance of the orange Mini Calla Lily, with its sleek, trumpet-shaped blooms and graceful presence, it’s refined beauty instantly enhancing floral arrangements.

Carnation Mini Orange


Versatile and charming, the orange Mini Carnation offers an array of petite blooms. Its abundant clusters of ruffled petals bring joy and a sense of abundance to any arrangement. Approximately 3-5 blooms per stem.

Carnation Orange


Celebrate the classic beauty of orange Carnations, with their ruffled petals and playful pompom shape, adding charm and versatility to any floral display.

Dahlia Orange


Celebrate the captivating beauty of orange Dahlias, with their intricate petal formations and vibrant velvety texture adding elegance and drama to floral compositions.

Freesia Orange


Experience the delicate fragrance of orange Freesia, with its slender blooms and captivating scent, adding a touch of sweetness and charm to floral arrangements.

Fresh Orange Rose Petals


Fresh Rose Petals, hand picked from fresh roses. They arrive in a bag.  Aprox. 100 petals per bag.   

Gerbera Orange


Bursting with vibrant colour and energy, orange Gerberas are the epitome of joy and positivity. Their large, daisy-like blooms with vivid petals radiate happiness and exuberance, making them the perfect choice to brighten any occasion. Whether used in bouquets or as standalone flowers, Gerberas are a symbol of sunny smiles and warm greetings. Approximately 3 inches wide. 

Gerbera Orange Mini


Bursting with vibrant colour and energy, orange mini Gerberas are the epitome of joy and positivity. Their large, daisy-like blooms with vivid petals radiate happiness and exuberance, making them the perfect choice to brighten any occasion. Whether used in bouquets or as standalone flowers, Gerberas are a symbol of sunny smiles and warm greetings. Approximately 2 inches wide.

Gladiolus Orange


Marvel at the majestic beauty of orange Gladiolus, with its tall stalks adorned with velvety blossoms, adding a touch of grandeur and elegance to floral arrangements.

Lily Asiatic Orange


Capture the breathtaking beauty of orange asiatic Lilies, with their exquisite petals and graceful presence, symbolizing purity and refined elegance in floral arrangements. 

Ranunculus Orange


Unleash the vibrant beauty of orange Ranunculus, with its delicate, layered petals and stunning hue, adding a touch of elegance and grace to floral arrangements.

Rose Orange


Celebrate the timeless beauty of orange Roses, with their velvety petals and captivating allure, symbolizing love and romance in floral compositions.

Rose Sunset


Celebrate the timeless beauty of sunset Roses, with their velvety petals and captivating allure, symbolizing love and romance in floral compositions. 

Snapdragons Orange


Embrace the enchanting beauty of orange Snapdragons, with their tall spires and vibrant blossoms, adding a touch of elegance and energy to floral arrangements. Approximately 10-12 blooms per stem.

Spray Roses Orange


Capture the elegance of orange Spray Roses, with their graceful spray of of blossoms, adding a touch of beauty and sophistication to floral arrangements. Approximately 3-5 blooms per stem.

Touches of Fall Bridal Bouquet


A semi-textured hand tied bridal bouquet, with burnt orange mini calla, yellow roses, orange roses, sunflowers, red hypericum berries, white spray roses, burgundy leucadendron and greenery touches. Tied with a white satin ribbon and finished with pearl pins.  Aprox 11 inch wide. 

Tulip Orange


Admire the timeless beauty of orange Tulips, with their elegant, cup-shaped blooms and vibrant hue, adding a touch of grace and sophistication to floral arrangements.

Vibrant Cake Topper


A cake topper designed with pink roses, green mini hydrangea, green hypericum berries, orange spray roses, touches of greenery, in a small oasis dish to sit directly on top of cake.  Aprox. 6 inch wide.