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Delphinium Light Blue


Hydrangea Blue


Light Blue Hydrangea Bridesmaid Bouquet


Oceanic Bridal Bouquet


Pastel Toned Wrist Corsage


Delphinium Light Blue


Unleash the vibrant beauty of light blue Delphinium, with its towering spires of majestic blooms in various shades, adding a touch of elegance and grace to floral arrangements. Approximately 14-20 blooms per stem. Average stem length is 20 to 27.5 inches.

Hydrangea Blue


Admire the abundant beauty of blue Hydrangea, with its clusters of delicate petals and unique pompom shape, adding a touch of grace and charm to floral displays.

Light Blue Hydrangea Bridesmaid Bouquet


A classic hand-tied bridesmaid bouquet with light blue hydrangea, greenery touches, tied with a white ribbon and finished with pearl pins.  Aprox. 7 inch wide.

Oceanic Bridal Bouquet


A Semi-textured hand tied bridal bouquet, with white mini calla, blue hydrangea, green cymbidium orchids, white roses, touches of greenery, tied with a white ribbon and finished with pearl pins.  Aprox 11 inch wide. 

Pastel Toned Wrist Corsage


A pastel toned wrist corsage with daisies, mini carnations, delphinium, baby's breath, touch of greenery, finished with a white ribbon, and an elastic bracelet.