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Burnt Orange and Yellow Rose Boutonniere


Rose Sunset


Snapdragons Orange


Sunset Bridal Bouquet


Burnt Orange and Yellow Rose Boutonniere


A male boutonniere with a large rose in yellow and burnt orange tips, and a touch of greenery, accompanied with a pearl pin. 

Rose Sunset


Celebrate the timeless beauty of sunset Roses, with their velvety petals and captivating allure, symbolizing love and romance in floral compositions. 

Snapdragons Orange


Embrace the enchanting beauty of orange Snapdragons, with their tall spires and vibrant blossoms, adding a touch of elegance and energy to floral arrangements. Approximately 10-12 blooms per stem.

Sunset Bridal Bouquet


A semi-textured style hand-tied bridal bouquet, with an assortment of italian ruscus, mini calla, spray roses, roses, and freesia. Tied together with an ivory satin ribbon and pearl pins.  This is aprox.11inch wide.