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Carnation White


Carnation Mini White


Carnation Peach


Carnation Light Pink


Carnation Mini Orange


Carnation Purple


Carnation Mini Light Pink


Carnation Lavender


Carnation Orange


Carnation Hot Pink


Carnation Red


White Carnation & Baby's Breath Wrist Corsage


Carnation Mini Purple


Carnation Mini Yellow


Carnation Yellow


White Carnation Boutonniere


Carnation Green


Carnation Mini Red


Red Carnation and Baby's Breath Boutonniere


Light Pink Carnation Bridesmaid Bouquet


Large Pink Carnation Pin Corsage


Red Mini Carnation Wrist Corsage


Carnation White


  Celebrate the classic beauty of white Carnations, with their ruffled petals and playful pompom shape, adding charm and versatility to any floral display.

Carnation Mini White


Versatile and charming, the white Mini Carnation offers an array of petite blooms. Its abundant clusters of ruffled petals bring joy and a sense of abundance to any arrangement.  Approximately 3-5 blooms per stem.   

Carnation Peach


Celebrate the classic beauty of peach Carnations, with their ruffled petals and playful pompom shape, adding charm and versatility to any floral display.   

Carnation Light Pink


Celebrate the classic beauty of light pink Carnations, with their ruffled petals and playful pompom shape, adding charm and versatility to any floral display.

Carnation Mini Orange


Versatile and charming, the orange Mini Carnation offers an array of petite blooms. Its abundant clusters of ruffled petals bring joy and a sense of abundance to any arrangement. Approximately 3-5 blooms per stem.

Carnation Purple


Celebrate the classic beauty of purple Carnations, with their ruffled petals and playful pompom shape, adding charm and versatility to any floral display.

Carnation Mini Light Pink


Versatile and charming, the light pink Mini Carnation offers an array of petite blooms. Its abundant clusters of ruffled petals bring joy and a sense of abundance to any arrangement. Approximately 3-5 blooms per stem.    

Carnation Lavender


Celebrate the classic beauty of lavender Carnations, with their ruffled petals and playful pompom shape, adding charm and versatility to any floral display.

Carnation Orange


Celebrate the classic beauty of orange Carnations, with their ruffled petals and playful pompom shape, adding charm and versatility to any floral display.

Carnation Hot Pink


Celebrate the classic beauty of hot pink Carnations, with their ruffled petals and playful pompom shape, adding charm and versatility to any floral display.

Carnation Red


Celebrate the classic beauty of red Carnations, with their ruffled petals and playful pompom shape, adding charm and versatility to any floral display.

White Carnation & Baby's Breath Wrist Corsage


A classic wrist corsage with a large white carnation, baby's breath, greenery touches and an elastic bracelet, finished with a gold ribbon.

Carnation Mini Purple


Versatile and charming, the purple Mini Carnation offers an array of petite blooms. Its abundant clusters of ruffled petals bring joy and a sense of abundance to any arrangement. Approximately 3-5 blooms per stem.   

Carnation Mini Yellow


Versatile and charming, the yellow Mini Carnation offers an array of petite blooms. Its abundant clusters of ruffled petals bring joy and a sense of abundance to any arrangement.  Approximately 3-5 blooms per stem.   

Carnation Yellow


Celebrate the classic beauty of yellow Carnations, with their ruffled petals and playful pompom shape, adding charm and versatility to any floral display.

White Carnation Boutonniere


A classic & long lasting male boutonniere with a large white carnation and a touch of  greenery, accompanied with a pearl pin. 

Carnation Green


Celebrate the classic beauty of lime green Carnations, with their ruffled petals and playful pompom shape, adding charm and versatility to any floral display.   

Carnation Mini Red


Versatile and charming, the red Mini Carnation offers an array of petite blooms. Its abundant clusters of ruffled petals bring joy and a sense of abundance to any arrangement.  Approximately 3-5 blooms per stem.   

Red Carnation and Baby's Breath Boutonniere


A male boutonniere with a large red carnation, baby's breath and a touch of greenery, accompanied with a pearl pin. 

Light Pink Carnation Bridesmaid Bouquet


A classic hand-tied bridesmaid bouquet with large light pink carnations, greenery touches, tied with a white ribbon and finished with pearl pins.  Aprox. 7 inch wide.

Large Pink Carnation Pin Corsage


A classic female pin corsage with large pink carnations, baby's breath, touch of greenery, accompanied with a pearl pin, finished with a white ribbon. 

Red Mini Carnation Wrist Corsage


A classic wrist corsage with red mini carnations, baby's breath, touch of greenery, finished with a white ribbon, and an elastic bracelet.  

Discover the beauty of our bulk carnations, a versatile flower suitable for a wide range of floral creations, available to order online in a variety of shades. With their graceful petals and timeless appeal, carnations bring a sense of sophistication to any arrangement. Directly sourced from reputable growers, our carnations ensure freshness and quality, empowering you to craft captivating floral designs effortlessly.