White Rose Bridesmaid Bouquet
A classic hand-tied bridesmaid bouquet with white roses, white wax, greenery touches, tied with a white ribbon, and finished with pearl pins. This simple yet elegant bridesmaid bouquet is the perfect compliment for the blushing bride as she is given away to the one great love of her life.
This subtle bridesmaid bouquet is perfect for a glowing bridesmaid to hold during one of her best friend's happiest moments. You will not regret ordering these for your best girlfriends.
The White Rose Bridesmaid Bouquet is approximately 5 inches wide.
NOTE: To allow for necessary time to cut & ship your flowers from the farms, orders MUST be placed a minimum 8 days in advance. If you need items sooner, please call us directly for further assistance.
bridesmaid bouquet | pearl pins | Rose | Wax | white | white ribbon |