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Alstroemeria Red


Amaryllis Red


Anemone Red


Astilbe Red


Bouvardia Red


Brunia Red


Carnation Mini Red


Carnation Red


Celosia Orange


DIY Red Bulk Flower Package


Fresh Red Rose Petals


Garden Rose Red


Gerbera & Berries Bridal Bouquet


Gerbera Red


Gerbera Red Mini


Gladiolus Red


Hypericum Berries Red


Leucadendron Red


Lily Asiatic Red


Peony Red


Protea Pin Cushion Yellow


Ranunculus Red


Red & White Cake Topper


Red Carnation and Baby's Breath Boutonniere


Red Mini Carnation Wrist Corsage


Red Rose & White Orchid Boutonniere


Red Rose Bridal Bouquet


Red Rose Pin Corsage


Romantic Red Bridal Bouquet


Rose Red


Shades of Red Bulk Bundle


Spray Roses Red


Touches of Fall Bridal Bouquet


Tulip Red


Alstroemeria Red


Celebrate the delicate allure of red Alstroemeria, commonly known as Peruvian lilies. With their vibrant freckled petals and long-lasting blooms, they're a symbol of joy and warmth that add a bit of sunshine to floral arrangements. Approximately 3-5 blooms per stem.   

Amaryllis Red


Experience the splendor of red Amaryllis, an elegant flower symbolizing beauty and pride. With its striking blooms and velvety texture, it brings a touch of sophistication to floral displays.

Anemone Red


Unveil the delicate charm of red Anemone, also known as windflowers. With their dainty petals and a variety of shapes, they bring a sense of whimsy and grace to floral arrangements.

Astilbe Red


Experience the ethereal allure of red Astilbe, with its feathery plumes and soft, romantic appearance, adding a touch of beauty and grace to floral arrangements. 

Bouvardia Red


Admire the delicate allure of red Bouvardia, boasting clusters of small, star-shaped blossoms, evoking charm and grace in floral creations.

Brunia Red


Discover the captivating charm of red Brunia, featuring red-bronze spherical clusters, lending elegance and uniqueness to floral compositions.

Carnation Mini Red


Versatile and charming, the red Mini Carnation offers an array of petite blooms. Its abundant clusters of ruffled petals bring joy and a sense of abundance to any arrangement.  Approximately 3-5 blooms per stem.   

Carnation Red


Celebrate the classic beauty of red Carnations, with their ruffled petals and playful pompom shape, adding charm and versatility to any floral display.

Celosia Orange


Experience the whimsical allure of orange Celosia, with its unique ruffle-shaped blossoms and vibrant colour, bringing a touch of playfulness and joy to floral arrangements.

DIY Red Bulk Flower Package


This bulk flower package features vibrant red flowers and includes approximately 50 red roses, 50 red carnations, 40 red hypericum berries, and 40 red gerberas.

Fresh Red Rose Petals


Fresh Rose Petals, hand picked from fresh roses. They arrive in a bag.  Aprox. 100 petals per bag. 

Garden Rose Red


Celebrate the timeless beauty of red Garden Roses, with their abundant lush petals and romantic scent, adding elegance and grace to floral compositions.

Gerbera & Berries Bridal Bouquet


A semi-textured style hand-tied bridal bouquet, with an assortment of italian ruscus, red gerbera and red hypericum berries. Tied together with an white satin ribbon and pearl pins.  Aprox. 10 inch wide. 

Gerbera Red


Bursting with vibrant colour and energy, red Gerberas are the epitome of joy and positivity. Their large, daisy-like blooms with vivid petals radiate happiness and exuberance, making them the perfect choice to brighten any occasion. Whether used in bouquets or as standalone flowers, Gerberas are a symbol of sunny smiles and warm greetings. Approximately 3 inches wide.. 

Gerbera Red Mini


Bursting with vibrant colour and energy, red mini Gerberas are the epitome of joy and positivity. Their large, daisy-like blooms with vivid petals radiate happiness and exuberance, making them the perfect choice to brighten any occasion. Whether used in bouquets or as standalone flowers, Gerberas are a symbol of sunny smiles and warm greetings. Approximately 2 inches wide.

Gladiolus Red


Marvel at the majestic beauty of red Gladiolus, with its tall stalks adorned with velvety blossoms, adding a touch of grandeur and elegance to floral arrangements.

Hypericum Berries Red


Embrace the rustic charm of red Hypericum Berries, with their clusters of small, lush berries, adding texture and natural beauty to floral compositions. Approximately 7-10 stems per bunch. 

Leucadendron Red


Embrace the exotic beauty of red Leucadendron, with its unique cone-like blooms and vibrant foliage, adding a touch of intrigue and sophistication to floral arrangements.

Lily Asiatic Red


Capture the breathtaking beauty of red asiatic Lilies, with their exquisite petals and graceful presence, symbolizing purity and refined elegance in floral arrangements. 

Peony Red


Experience the timeless allure of red Peonies, with their lush petals and romantic aromatic appeal, symbolizing beauty and prosperity in floral creations.

Protea Pin Cushion Yellow


Admire the exotic beauty of the Pin Cushion Protea, with its striking appearance and unique texture, adding intrigue and sophistication to floral compositions.

Ranunculus Red


Unleash the vibrant beauty of red Ranunculus, with its delicate, layered petals and stunning hue, adding a touch of elegance and grace to floral arrangements.

Red & White Cake Topper


A cake topper designed with red roses, baby's breath, touches of greenery, red and white ribbons, in a small oasis dish to sit directly on top of cake.  Aprox. 6 inch wide. 

Red Carnation and Baby's Breath Boutonniere


A male boutonniere with a large red carnation, baby's breath and a touch of greenery, accompanied with a pearl pin. 

Red Mini Carnation Wrist Corsage


A classic wrist corsage with red mini carnations, baby's breath, touch of greenery, finished with a white ribbon, and an elastic bracelet.  

Red Rose & White Orchid Boutonniere


A classic male boutonniere with a large red rose, white dendrobium orchid blooms, touch of greenery, accompanied with a pearl pin.

Red Rose Bridal Bouquet


A classic hand tied bridal bouquet, with red roses and touches of greenery. Tied with a white satin ribbon and finished with pearl pins.  Aprox 11 inch wide. 

Red Rose Pin Corsage


A classic female pin corsage with red roses, baby's breath, touch of greenery, accompanied with a pearl pin, finished with a red ribbon.

Romantic Red Bridal Bouquet


A classic styled bridal hand tied bouquet, with an assortment of red roses and white mini calla. No greenery. Finished with a white satin ribbon and pearl pins, along with an enhanced finish of pearl pins in the centre of all roses.  This is aprox. 12 inch wide.     

Rose Red


Celebrate the timeless beauty of red Roses, with their velvety petals and captivating allure, symbolizing love and romance in floral compositions. 

Shades of Red Bulk Bundle


Add striking warmth to your decor with this bold and vibrant bulk flower package, showcasing approximately 50 red roses, 50 red carnations, 30 red hypericum berries, and 30 red gerberas. Perfect for weddings, events, and DIY floral arrangements, these vivid red blooms create captivating, dramatic displays. The Shades of Red Bundle combines rich textures and deep color, ideal for designing...

Spray Roses Red


Capture the elegance of red Spray Roses, with their graceful spray of of blossoms, adding a touch of beauty and sophistication to floral arrangements. Approximately 3-5 blooms per stem.

Touches of Fall Bridal Bouquet


A semi-textured hand tied bridal bouquet, with burnt orange mini calla, yellow roses, orange roses, sunflowers, red hypericum berries, white spray roses, burgundy leucadendron and greenery touches. Tied with a white satin ribbon and finished with pearl pins.  Aprox 11 inch wide. 

Tulip Red


Admire the timeless beauty of red Tulips, with their elegant, cup-shaped blooms and vibrant hue, adding a touch of grace and sophistication to floral arrangements.